Eco Committee
What is the SNA Eco Committee? 
The SNA Eco-committee is made up of students from across all year groups who are passionate about global environmental issues improving their school environment. The students on the Eco-committee take an active role in influencing school decision making and in implementing ideas for a more eco-friendly SNA. The pupils meet regularly to discuss school improvements, maintain ongoing projects and take part in various national and regional eco competitions and initiatives.
The SNA Eco Committee mission statement:
- To reduce the school impact on the environment
- To develop a better understanding of environmental protection issues across our student body
- To improve the environmental quality of our school grounds
- To ensure students have a platform to voice their opinions
- To provide leadership opportunities for those students who want to initiate positive change
What have the Eco Committee achieved so far?
SNA was awarded Eco-Schools Green Flag status in 2021 (more information can be found on Eco-Schools here).
Some of our recent projects include:
- Writing equipment recycling
- Woodland Trust Free Trees for School Programme
- Switch off Fortnight – energy saving initiative
- Get Loud on Litter campaign
- Biodiversity improvements to the school grounds
Recent awards:
- Plastic Free Schools accreditation 2022
- NHS Climate Action Environment School Competition 2022 - Winner
- Midlands Maker Challenge 2021 – Prize winner - Innovative design
If you are interested in joining the Eco Committee, please speak to Mr Leaman at school or via his email