Pushing our boundaries to achieve more
Pushing our boundaries to achieve more
Pushing our boundaries to achieve more
Pushing our boundaries to achieve more
Pushing our boundaries to achieve more
Welcome to South Nottinghamshire Academy – a vibrant and thriving school at the heart of the communities of Radcliffe on Trent, Cotgrave and Shelford. Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make on their behalf. We believe that all students have a right to attend a school that is ambitious for them and will strive to ensure they achieve the very best that they can.
Leaders have developed a school environment in which pupils feel safe and happy.
Ofsted, 2022
Many pupils benefit from the wide range of leadership and volunteering opportunities at the school.
Ofsted, 2022
Leaders have ensured that the order in which teachers teach concepts in their subjects helps pupils to build their knowledge and skills.
Ofsted, 2022
07 February
Continuing the @#somuchmorethantalkingaboutjobs careers focused campaign, over at Capital One HQ Nottingham today. Our second group of Year 12 students visited the firm for a business insight day. Yes, we explored careers, we talked about jobs and had a brilliant day. Students learnt about the many aspects of business: Essential skills, Financial literacy, Assessment centre techniques, Networking, Tour and insight of the firm, Collaboration with business managers, First impressions, Consumer awareness, Group project work, Self-reflection, Presentations, Business lunch, App design. Creativity. @Head_SNA #TheSNAWay
07 February
We are thrilled to have multiple teams still progressing through the County Cup and South Notts Cup. We are proud of your performances and how you are representing SNA! #SNAWay @Head_SNA
06 February
A wonderful celebration took place today. Some of our Year 10 students celebrated an outstanding attitude to learning with Mr Philpotts and other members of the Senior Leadership team. These students have consistently excelled in their approach to study and have impressed staff immensely. @Head_SNA #TheSNAWay
There are currently no upcoming events.