Careers Framework and Policies
South Nottinghamshire Academy forms part of The Redhill Academy Trust, adopting a detailed Careers Framework, which sets out our career’s information, advice and guidance provision.
The aim is to help our students achieve the D2N2 ten career and employability goals within the framework:
SNA offers impartial advice to students to help with their decision making. We proactively seek to build on close working relationships with providers, inviting them
to speak with students.
This will include school assemblies, employer and provider careers events and opportunities to network with students and parents on a one-to-one basis, advising on GCSE, post-16 choices. First contact should be with Mrs Louise Caunt, Careers Practioner.
The Provider Access Policy aims to outline more about our external provider access, you can find the policy in our policies web page.
Gatsby Benchmarks Legislation
The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks are the foundation of the Careers Strategy, a statutory requirement for maintained schools, academies, FE colleges and sixth forms. Providing high-quality career guidance in schools and colleges is vital for young people, so they
can make informed decisions about their future.
The best career provision is essential to the reforms of technical education and social equality. You can read more about how SNA meets all 8 benchmarks and our provider access below: