Pushing our boundaries to achieve more
Pushing our boundaries to achieve more
Pushing our boundaries to achieve more
Pushing our boundaries to achieve more
Pushing our boundaries to achieve more
Welcome to South Nottinghamshire Academy – a vibrant and thriving school at the heart of the communities of Radcliffe on Trent, Cotgrave and Shelford. Choosing the right school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will make on their behalf. We believe that all students have a right to attend a school that is ambitious for them and will strive to ensure they achieve the very best that they can.
Leaders have developed a school environment in which pupils feel safe and happy.
Ofsted, 2022
Many pupils benefit from the wide range of leadership and volunteering opportunities at the school.
Ofsted, 2022
Leaders have ensured that the order in which teachers teach concepts in their subjects helps pupils to build their knowledge and skills.
Ofsted, 2022
27 January
Our students had a wonderful day on Saturday at the University of Derby taking part in the Royal Society of Chemistry Top of the Bench competition regional finals. The students loved the university-based lab experience. Well done Lola, Mia, Emma and Noemie! @Head_SNA #TheSNAWAY
23 January
A group of Year 10 students on our Pathways programme and ASDAN qualification, took a look inside the Capital One HQ for a Careers Inspiration Day. This consisted of work related & skills focused activities, engagement with business associates & a team challenge linked to a social media marketing campaign. The aim of the day was to raise aspirations, develop essential skills & to understand more about the many careers at one of Nottingham's top employers. @Head_SNA #TheSNAWAY
22 January
Have you considered a career in teaching? Why not book onto a school experience day? Our school experience days offer you the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the vibrant environment of our schools. See the below post for all the details!
There are currently no upcoming events.